Research into subliminals has been going on for decades. There is a great deal of research that supports both sides of the coin. However, if you look carefully at the research that supports the point of view that subliminals do not work, you will see that all of it has one or more of the following things in common:

1. The researcher began with a bias against the validity of subliminals, and manipulated his or her experiment(s) to show that conclusion.
2. The researcher(s) did not sufficiently understand the subconscious mind, or subliminals, to create and execute an experiment that was valid.
3. The experiment itself was faulty in some way.
4. The analysis of the results or the conclusion was faulty in some way.
5. The tested subliminals were not created or used properly to be effective as subliminals.

There is a great deal of evidence that subliminal audio and other types of subliminals do actually work. It can be fund in scholarly databases.

As for our own experiences, we have concluded that subliminals do in fact work because we have seen with our own eyes things multiple times that cannot be explained any other way, including, (but not limited to):

A) Repeated personal experiences using subliminal programs on ourselves.
B) Experiments performed on Tier 2 testers, who were aware of the potential for their exposure to subliminal audio and who had given consent for that exposure, but did not necessarily know if, when, or what they would be exposed to.
C) Reports of customers using subliminals to achieve results such as breast size increase or decrease, even when in some cases they or their spouse did not know they were being exposed to the program; smoking cessation, including entire households of smokers at a time, both with and without conscious knowledge of their exposure; stopping the use of alcohol, both with and without conscious awareness of their exposure to the program; increase in height when growth had otherwise stopped; increases in penis size; and others.

Then you must consider that our business is set up to make it easy to see for yourself that these programs work. Free full version samples would only get us laughed at if they didn't work. A public forum that is uncensored outside of enforcing the rules, which are aimed at preventing religious or flame wars. The fact that we have so many repeat customers. And so on.

Properly made and used, subliminal audio is effective. We invite you to prove this for yourself by using some of our programs and seeing the results firsthand.